It’s getting towards that time of year - if you haven’t done it already, now is the time to get your log store ready for the autumn and winter.
The best place to store your wood is outside with an airflow around it, and with a cover on top to prevent direct rain. Your wood should have a maximum moisture content of 20% for it to burn efficiently - this is important for your appliance if you have a stove, and for your liner or chimney to prevent tarring and creosote which increases the likelihood of a chimney fire.
If you haven’t had the chimney or liner swept, now is the time. It’s an absolute necessity for you and your family’s safety, and to ensure that your fire or stove performs at its most efficient.
I’m certainly trying to practice what I preach; my stove has been swept and serviced, and I’m well on the way to filling my log store. As well as keeping your wood dry, I think that it can look pretty attractive too!
It’s important that you source a good supplier. If you're in Nottinghamshire, I’ve used Salterford Farm Logs at Calverton for a number of years who provide good quality kiln dried wood at a competitive price with an excellent service.
If you have any questions about setting up your log store or having your chimney swept ahead of Autumn, please send a message to